Help "marsje" (a hungry eraser) to find all his food. He likes to eat apples, carrots and cars ...

Made for the Solo Dev Game Jam #4


  • "ARROW UP"  jump
  • "ARROW DOWN"  change direction


This masterpiece of (spaghetti)code has been taking my laptop's last breath, so there are soms bugs :(  All three (!) levels are beatable in under a minute, so please do try beating this time. You can ignore the timer in top right, it's non-consequential. The score you are awarded at the end of a level is based on yet to be discovered maths, so don't take it too seriously. Also no sound, because jam got in the way.

Known bugs

  • Bouncing of a wall and dying deletes the playersprite and locks you in death.
  • Playin in browser will limit performance => The particles at the end of a level take a long time to calculate. Game freezes but continues after ~10s. (I may have gone overboard with the particles)
Published 24 days ago


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the art style for this is really unique and interesting! i really enjoyed it